
Fathersday & More

Post-Father's Day Greetings everyone!!!
I had every intention of updating the site on Sunday evening but we were all too full and tired. What a wonderful day of firsts for the Benjamin-Coon Clans as we spent our first Father's Day with "The Little Princess". The first part of the day began at Church as we were blessed with a sermon on Humility. (I find it so very hard to believe that on a day like Father's Day our Pastor would preach on a topic to pick on me. I need to speak to him about that.) Afterwards we hurried home to begin a day of "Meat-Festing" with ribs and pork chops, followed by bratwurst and lamb rolls. Needless to say it was a "Man's Day". I think there was other food there too but, did I say there was meat! (Brian Elkins is shaking his head right now!) Moving on, the week leading up to the big event was blessed. On Thursday night we had the opportunity to take a family photo, bottom right, in our backyard. This was a huge part of my gift but also what we shared with our families. It was such a blessing. A little about all the photo's. The top picture is one of Gracie's protector. This is our girl Lab "Fred". Now before everyone goes Fred, it is short for Fredrica von Hauptfogel of Dresden. The very famous Labrador Retriever that saved the Prussian Queen from drowning in the 1600th Century. The story goes that the Queen had too much to drink one night and fell from a party boat into the friged waters of the Schlimdorf River. The current was too swift and waters too cold for anyone to follow the Queen but Fredrica. Fred being the protector she was than and still is today by bloodline, jumped in and pulled the Queen to safety and they lived happily ever after. In reality we already had the name Fred picked out and the gender of the dog was not going to matter. The second photo is of Gracie with her Grandpa. This is Deena's Dad Ben. He would fill a whole blog page if I got started. What a man and what an example to follow on what it is to be a Father. He is quite a guy. The next picture is titled "How cute do I look in my carseat". Two things happen in this device, one is she falls asleep and the second is she poops everytime she gets in it. I think we are planning on moving it to the bathroom. We are so fortunate that it is covered with some type of coating they perfected at NASA. Next is Gracie falling asleep in her Aunt Denise's lap as the day was winding down and finally our family photo again. I will add more later but need to get ready for work. Happy Post Father's Day everyone. Enjoy the pictures and remember "As we have been blessed, let us bless others".


It is hard to believe that tonight we have been home two full weeks. That is at Mid-Night we will be home two full weeks! Gracie has adjusted so well. When we really think about it God orchestrated this whole "family" thing from the beginning, so whats the big surprise! Silly people. One thing is certain and that is we love this little girl more and more each passing day. As you can see Mommie is constantly changing her clothes and taking pictures. I am so glad that we have gone digital as 35mm would put us into a second mortgage. The picture of her wall has a new addition. Lt. Mike (or Uncle Mike as he signs his work) painted Deena's heart statement "Dance Like No One Is Watching". The freedom to be one's self. It brings to mind David as he danced before the Ark of the Covenant, uninhibited and unafraid of who was watching. She can do that now. I cry however to think that there are others from her orphanage who may not get the chance to express this unfailing joy. God is so good! Fathers Day is rapidly approaching and I want to wish the Fathers in our group a very Happy Fathers Day. Happy Fathers Day Chris as you enjoy your Lily. May she grow to appreciate the humor you bring to every situation and know the special calling God has placed on your heart as a Minister. Happy Fathers Day to Brian as you enjoy your Faith. May she grow to appreciate the committment that is required of a Physician to care for many and still make time for your own family (they are the best Doctors by the way). Happy Fathers Day to Jeff as you enjoy your Kori. May she grow to appreciate the strength behind the quiet demeanor and recognize the mischevious look behind the eyes of Dad. Lastly Happy Fathers Day to John as you enjoy your Danielle. May she grow to appreciate the love and honesty we see in you when you look into her face. Well I am about out of steam for the evening. For some unknown reason Gracie is waking up about 4:00 and wants to play. The difficult part is that when we go in there with the best of intentions of getting her back to sleep, when she smiles at us we are so hooked our thoughts go to "Let the Games Begin"! Yee Ha! Praise God! (Thank you Bret for allowing me to borrow that saying.)



Post Memorial Day Greetings

Memorial Day is a big deal in our family. It is the only time during the year that we get to taste Grandpa's Bar-B-Q Chicken. There are a lot of cooks out there, I happen to think that I am a pretty good one, but there is just something about Grandpa's "Chicken". We as a family have a very special place in our hearts for Memorial Day. Both our fathers (Deena and myself) served in the Navy, our oldest son was in the Navy, we still have a nephew who will make a career out of Submarines and our Sister in Laws brother is an Admiral. It is quite humbling to think that we are able to have an open picnic and even worship the way that we do because of the people who serve and have gone before us to insure our freedoms. The little princess was a huge hit as she was passed from Aunt and Uncle to cousin to Grandma to Grandpa and back to Mom and Dad. She made her first swipes at the ever important "Pinata" and finally to be given lessons in technique by big brother Matt. Moving on, she had her first Doctors check up yesterday and all in all passed with flying colors. They made an attempt to draw blood for tests and this was quite an ordeal. I could not do that on a regular basis as a nurse or doctor, even with the best of intentions in mind because it is just not any fun for anyone involved. After all the attempts and the sticks she was only able to produce one vial of blood so I think we are in for another round of "Blood-Letting" at some point. There were a lot of tears on everyones part. We are so blessed to have a Doctor that is going through the Adoption process and they have chosen China. She understands our concerns, she reassures us about Mongolian Spot and shares in the blessing of Gracie. She also happens to be Matthew's Doctor so she knows us pretty well. If she would see humans I would go to her!! Well I need to get ready to go to work. I think the Jet-Lag has pretty much gone by the way side as each of us had a day that we completely melted down this last week. More later! Oh and by the way she has cut two teeth, went on a semi-successful "adventure" yesterday in her running stroller and will be exposed to her first trip to Costco tonight! Life is good. On a serious note, please keep our birth mothers in your prayers, the nation of China, our missionaries and all the adoption workers and caregivers of these precious gifts from God. We are still the ones who have been blessed as the daily caos turns to praises of joy when we look into the eyes of our beautiful daughters. Now really, more later!!
