
Dedication Sunday, First Ranger Game and more

As one could only imagine, so much has happened since the last entry. It is so much fun recording the "firsts" on everything with this "little" person we cherish and adore. Our church went to the ballpark to attend a Mercy Me Concert and catch a Ranger Game. What an awesome day spent with a few thousand close friends all worshipping and singing than venturing into the stadium to watch the Rangers actually win a game. Of all the events that have recently taken place, the most special was Child Dedication Sunday. This was a day where we as parents, family and church pledged our babies to our Lord. Where we as parents and a congregation promised to raise our children in homes where the focus is on our God. How we have been blessed by these babies and take the responsibility of living and leading a Spirit filled life as we raise these very special ones God has entrusted to us. The words of our Dedication are included:
Dear Gracie Marie Ming Coon,
On this day of Dedication, Mommie and I find ourselves the ones who are truly blessed. Our promise is to love you, to care for you, to provide for your needs and raise you in a home that is full of grace, mercy and the warmth that only our God can provide. We waited so long for you, and when God presented us with this "little perfect person" we realized our lives would never be the same nor would we want them to be. Our role as parents is one we do not take lightly. God has entrusted us to show you what life is like as we continually strive to be more Christ like. At the same time we lean heavily on our sons, our family, our church famliy and church to help raise you and step in where we may fail. Gracie Marie Ming Coon, we dedicate you today to the one who placed you in our hearts and arms. May God's unfailing love rest upon us now and all the days to come.
Mommie and Daddy
Praise God, Praise God, yee haw Praise God!! What a day that was. Moving through the pictures now, Gracie's "Big Sis" Sidney had her 4th Birthday and we got to ride the Merry-Go-Round for the first time. I still can not figure out how Gracie's horse always came in first though. Lastly, Gracie rounds out the photos showing what a huge Red Raider fan she is. This makes her Aunt Julayne, Uncle Wendell & Aunt Laura, Uncle Bret, Uncle Dave, me and Molly quite happy.
Our lives are so different now, and we would not change anything about what has happened. Deena and I ask each other if we remember what life was like before Gracie got here, and we can not. She has always been with us and we have always loved her.
God is good!
Until next time.